This journal intends to present mathematics so that it would be understandable and interesting to mathematicians independently on their narrow research fields. We invite articles exercising all formal and informal approaches to "unhide" the process of mathematical discovery.
The name of the journal is not only a dedication to the memory of Vladimir Igorevich Arnold (1937-2010), one of the most influential mathematicians of the twentieth century, but also a declaration that the journal hopes to maintain and promote the style which makes the best mathematical works by Arnold so enjoyable and which Arnold implemented in the journals where he was an editor-in-chief.
The ArMJ is run jointly by the Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS) at Stony Brook, USA, and The Association for Mathematical Research.
The journal intends to publish interesting and understandable results in all areas of Mathematics. The following are the most desirable features of publications that will serve as selection criteria:
The journal articles should be accessible to a very wide community of mathematicians. Not only formal definitions that are necessary for understanding must be provided but also informal motivations even if they are well-known to the experts in the field. If a general statement is given, then the simplest examples of it are also welcome.
Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary mathematics
We would like to have many research expositions that connect different mathematical subjects. Connections that are useful in both ways are of particular importance. Multidisciplinary research (even if the disciplines all belong to pure mathematics) is generally hard to evaluate, except for the most popular combinations such as algebraic geometry and mathematical physics, analysis and dynamical systems, algebra and combinatorics, and the like. For this reason, this kind of research is often under-represented in specialized mathematical journals. The ArMJ will try to compensate for this.
Problems, objectives, work in progress
Most scholarly publications present results of a research project in their "final" form, in which all posed questions are answered. Some open questions and conjectures may be even mentioned but the very process of mathematical discovery remains hidden. Following Arnold, we will try to unhide this process and made it public by encouraging the authors to include informal discussion of their motivation, possibly unsuccessful lines of attack, experimental data and close by research directions. The journal intends to publish well-motivated research problems on a rather regular basis. Problems do not need to be original; an old problem with a new and exciting motivation is worth re-stating. Following Arnold's principle, a general formulation is less desirable than the simplest partial case that is still unknown.
The most important requirement is that the article be interesting. It does not have to be limited by original research contributions of the author; however, the author's responsibility is to carefully acknowledge the authorship of all results. Neither does the article need to consist entirely of formal and rigorous arguments. It can contain parts, in which an informal author's understanding of the overall picture is presented; however, these parts must be clearly indicated. Including motivations, informal parts, descriptions of other lines of research, possibly conducted by other mathematicians, should serve this principal objective: being interesting.
This is the classical format: a short (usually up to 20 pages) account of a research project containing original results and complete proofs of them. However, all of the above applies. Contributions containing very technical arguments may not be suitable for the ArMJ.
This is an exposition of a broad mathematical subject containing a description of recent results (proofs may be included or omitted), historical overview, motivations, open problems. A research exposition may take 60 pages or more.
This is a description of an open problem. The problem must be well-motivated, illustrated by examples, and the importance of the problem must be explained. Alternatively, and closer to the original style of Arnold, a problem contribution may consist of a set of several problems that take very short space to state. Problems do not need to be original, however, the authorship must be carefully acknowledged. A problem contribution is meant to be short (normally, up to 4 pages, but exceptions are possible).
There are many great mathematicians of the twentieth century. The choice of the name may look random (why not, say, "Gelfand Mathematical Journal"? - we are often asked) but we have very specific reasons for using the name of Vladimir Arnold.
The principles, according to which the journal operates, are most accurately associated with Vladimir Arnold. He had been actively promoting these or similar principles.
For many years, V. Arnold had been the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Functional Analysis and its Applications (FAA). In 2006, V. Arnold launched a new journal, Functional Analysis and Other Mathematics (FAOM). The initial composition of the ArMJ Editorial Board consists mostly of former editors of the FAOM.
Despite the close connections with the FAA and the FAOM, we decided to avoid mentioning "Functional Analysis" in the name of the journal. These names have appeared historically, and have nothing to do with scientific principles of the journals. More than that, the names are even confusing: not all mathematicians could guess that, say, Functional Analysis and its Applications welcomes papers in all areas of mathematics, including algebra and number theory. On the other hand, we wanted to have an indication of these connections in the name of the journal. The name of Vladimir Arnold serves as this indication.
Sergei Tabachnikov,
Pennsylvania State University (USA)
Managing Editor:
Maxim Arnold, University of
Texas at Dallas (USA)
Andrei Agrachev, International School for Advanced Studies
Peter Albers, Heidelberg University (Germany)
Gal Binyamini, The Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel)
Gil Bor, Centro de Investigaci\'on en Matem\'aticas (Mexico)
Felix Chernous'ko, Institute for Problems in
Mechanics, RAS (Russia)
Bertrand Deroin, Cergy Paris Universit\'e (France)
David Eisenbud, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
Uriel Frisch, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Nice
Dmitry Fuchs, University of California, Davis (USA)
Alexander Gaifullin, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow
Victor Goryunov, University of Liverpool (UK)
Sabir Gusein-Zade, Moscow State University (Russia)
Yulij Ilyashenko, Higher School of Economics, Moscow (Russia)
Oleg Karpenkov, University of Liverpool (UK)
Askold Khovanskii, University of Toronto (Canada)
Evgeny Mukhin, IUPI, Indianapolis (USA)
Anatoly Neishtadt, Loughborough University (UK)
Evita Nestoridi, Stony Brook University (USA)
Greta Panova, University of Southern California (USA)
Dan Romik, University of California, Davis (USA)
Alexander Shnirelman, Concordia University (Canada)
Frank Sottile, Texas A&M University (USA)
Vladlen Timorin, Higher School of Economics, Moscow (Russia)
Alexander Varchenko, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Oleg Viro, Stony Brook University (USA)
Michael Yampolsky, University of Toronto
Artur Avila, University of Zurich (Switzerland) and IMPA (Brasil)
Etienne Ghys, École normale supérieure de Lyon (France)
Dennis Sullivan, Stony Brook University and Graduate Center, CUNY (USA)
Editorial Council
Sergei Tabachnikov, Pennsylvania State University (Editor-in-Chief)
Maxim Arnold, University of Texas, Dallas (Managing Editor)
Vladlen Timorin, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Oleg Viro, Stony Brook University (A representative of the IMS)
Sabir Gusein-Zade, Moscow State University
Askold Khovanskii, University of Toronto
Yulij Ilyashenko, Higher School of Economics, Moscow and Cornell University
Alexander Varchenko, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill